The Covid-19 situation changes constantly.
Please follow the latest guidelines as published.
14 December 2021
On NSW Freedom day on 15 Dec 2021, there will be a further easing of restrictions to enter The Brickpit.
No requirement to QR code in when you enter the facility
Un-vaccinated people will be allowed to enter
There will be no Covid Marshall on duty when you enter
Masks are strongly encouraged to be worn at all times when not participating in an on court activity.
It is imperative that COVIDSafe practices continue.
Stay at home if unwell & get tested
Good hand hygiene practices
Maintain social distancing
Avoid congregating in large groups
Leave any area that is too busy
Avoid the mixing of different groups
When you have finished your activity leave immediately
November 2021
Please follow these rules for entry to Brickpit stadium.
1) Face Masks
Wearing of face masks required on entry and exit for ages 12+ and at all times when not actively participating
2) QR Code
QR code check in using your own smartphone device·
3) Proof of full vaccination
Proof of full vaccination is required on entry for ages 16 and over. Children aged under 16 years must be accompanied by a fully vaccinated parent or legal guardian aged 16 or over, unless they are fully vaccinated (proof required on entry). One fully vaccinated spectator is allowed for each child under the age of 16·
4) Do not come to the facility if you are not feeling well
March 2021
Revised entry requirements
1) At the entrance to Brickpit Stadium, use your mobile phone to scan the Service NSW QR Code to check-in
2) Register your name and phone number on the service desk at the entrance to Court 1 (for table tennis)
3) When you leave, remember to check-out with the Service NSW app
January 2021
Service NSW QR Code
Wearing a Mask
Statement by Table Tennis NSW
July 2020
Health & Safety Guidelines
QR Code Registration upon Entry
Please note the latest requirement from Brickpit.
Basically we are required to use our mobile phone to register the Brickpit's QR Code upon entry and departure from Brickpit stadium. In this way, the stadium management would be able to monitor the size of the crowd inside the stadium at all times.
On top of that we must register as usual under SUNS books (to fulfil SUNS obligatory adherance to the guidelines).
We thank you for your cooperation. 29 July 2020
Below is the notice from Brickpit Management.

Health & Safety Guidelines
Checklist 1: COVIDApp
Have everyone down loaded the COVIDSafe App?
If you have not done so, we urged you to do so as soon as possible.
Checklist 2: Avoid coming to Table Tennis
- if you are feeling unwell including symptoms of cold or flu
- if you are self-isolating
- if you have been in contact with someone in isolation or
- if you have returned from overseas in the last 14 days.
Organise your own equipment
- Bring your own water bottle, sweat towels and equipment.
- Do not share bats and equipment.
Note that the water bubblers at the stadium can no longer be used.
Conditions of Entry for all players and visitors:
1) Agree with the "Member Statement of Responsibility"
2) Registration with full details before entry.
Note that there is only one entry point. The entrance to Court 1 from Court 2 shall be blocked. Registration should start about half an hour before opening time. No one is allowed into Court 1 before registration.
Please queue with physical distancing while waiting for your turn to register.
Please have the exact amount of money for the entrance fee so that you do not require change.
At the venue:
- Maintain social distancing at all times
- No spitting.
- No coughing.
- Avoid sneezing, clearing of nose.
- No handshakes
- No wiping of hands on the table under any circumstances.
- No changing or showering at the venue.
- There is a maximum limit of 4 persons inside the toilet rooms.
While at play
All players must sanitised their hands before playing.
The Table and ball provided have already been sanitised prior.
All personal belongings are to be in your bag.
Carry your bag along with you to the table.
Leave it under the table or on the chairs (if available).
All bags must remain closed.
– No items shall be left lying on the floor
– no towels shall be placed in the playing area
Playing doubles
You are allowed to play doubles.
Your cooperation is needed at the end of the playing session
Deciding to stop play when it is within half an hour before closing time
and when other players have no indication of occupying your table, please:
1) Sanitise the table with at least 2 sheets of the wipes provided. (Use 1 sheet for half the table)
2) Similarly sanitise the ball and net stand.
4) Sanitise your hands once again.
5) Place the pad of wipes right at the center of the table, indicating that it has been sanitised.
6) Return the ball to the control desk.
7) If the time is 15 minutes to closing time, please help to put the table away.
Entry fee remains at $5 per player
COVID-19 Marshals
Yip Khuen Whye & Viyada Gow
Member Statement of Responsibility
The Brickpit
Guidelines for Re-opening post Covid-19 Shut Down
Dear Patrons
We are looking forward to welcoming you back to The Brickpit from July 6th.
When you return, things will be different and this correspondence is to outline what changes have been made so that all patrons at The Brickpit can enjoy their activity of choice in a safe and respectful environment.
A thorough risk assessment has been performed on the facility and in light of this, the following changes have been made for your return:
Entering and exiting The Brickpit
Please exercise patience if entering from the car park. We only have a single door space at the bottom of the stairs which makes it extremely difficult to maintain social distancing if patrons are simultaneously entering and exiting. If possible, please walk up to the street level entrance to enter the facility.
There will be a hand sanitising station in the car park foyer. Please sanitise your hands when entering and exiting.
Only two (2) people should be in the lift at any time to comply with social distancing (unless members of the same family). Again, patience will be required if more than two people require the lift at any one time.
Entry/Exit arrows will be placed on the stairs to assist with traffic flow. Please keep left.
There will be a hand sanitising station placed at the top of the stairs.
There will be traffic flow bollards placed in the main foyer area. Please stay on the correct side of the barrier when entering/exiting.
The two glass doors of the main entrance will remain open to assist with greater air flow.
Social distancing and gatherings
There should be no mass congregations within the foyer area. Please exercise social distancing in line with government guidelines.
There will be limited spectator chairs on each court to comply with social distancing guidelines. Please do not move these chairs any closer to each other. If you are an organiser of a larger group, you may wish to consider staggering the arrival of your group members so there aren’t too many people waiting to participate in your activity.
Player register
As a group organiser, please keep a register of your players attending each day. This will assist with contact tracing if we do have a confirmed new case of COVID-19.
Drinking water
Please encourage your members to bring their own full water bottle. The current filtered
water bubblers will have the mouth fountain disabled. The water bottle fountain will remain allowing water bottles to be re-filled if required.
Bathrooms and change rooms
Bathrooms will have signage indicating the maximum number of people who should be in there at any one time. If you enter and the maximum number is already in there, please exit and wait or try one of the other bathrooms.
Initially, it is highly recommended that you shower at home after playing at The Brickpit, however there will be limited showering facilities available (every 2nd shower cubicle will be locked within each changeroom).
Hand sanitising stations will be placed at either end of the change rooms foyer (near where the water fountains currently are) and against the wall leading down to court 4.
Abusive behaviour
Abusive and intimidating behaviour towards other patrons will not be tolerated. If you feel another patron is not complying with the guidelines, please come and see myself or a member of my staff…please do not take matters into your own hands!
My team and I will be disinfecting high touch points (door handles, hand rails, lift buttons, etc) regularly throughout the day.
The kiosk will remain closed initially. Vending machines will still be available for drinks and snacks if required. Sanitising wipers will be placed at each machine so if you use one, please wipe down the buttons before and after.
If re-entering courts from kiosk areas, please be mindful of traffic flow provisions in the foyer area and comply with these.
Please disseminate this information to all your members. If we all follow these guidelines, we can reduce the risk of infection and get you back to regularly enjoying your activity of choice at The Brickpit.
1st July 2020
On 30 Jan 2020, at 1:20 pm, Michael Collings <> wrote:
Dear Patrons
Council is mindful of growing community concern about Novel Coronavirus 2019 and takes these concerns seriously, as we do the safety and wellbeing of our patrons at Thornleigh Brickpit Sports Stadium
Consistent with the advice of the NSW Department of Education in relation to attendance at school, if you or your family have visited China in the last two weeks, Council requests that you &/or your children do not attend the Thornleigh Brickpit Sports Stadium until you’ve been back in Australia for 14 days & have no flu like symptoms.
For all other user groups, bookings and court usage will remain as usual. No refunds or credits will be approved unless further information is received from NSW Health enforcing immediate closures, or significant disruptions are incurred.
We also request members and regular users of our facilities adhere to the above mentioned request.
HSC remains in regular contact with NSW Health to ensure all protocols are met and adhered to, and we encourage anyone with flu-like symptoms to seek advice from your General Practitioner or local hospital.
Further information about the Novel Coronavirus 2019 can be obtained from NSW Health:
Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation.
Andrew Jackson
Aquatic & Brickpit Manager | Parks, Trees & Recreation | Hornsby Shire Council
p 02 9847 6310
m 0403 135 714
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